Baví Vás správa systémov a aplikácií? Chcel by ste sa starať o finančné aplikácie na zber dát a ich agregáciu? Pracovať v medzinárodnom tíme?
Ozvite sa nám.
Náplň práce:
13th salary
Language courses
Meal vouchers (fully paid by employer)
Flexible working time, home offices, extra holiday entitlement
Wedding allowance, childbirth allowance, jubilee allowance, housing allowance
Referral bonus
Health, safety and ergonomics events, training sessions
Active life with colleagues full of various sports activities (swimming, yoga, tennis, volleyball etc.)
Massage at workplace, modern relax areas and game room
Coffee/Tea/Fruit on the workplace
Fixed benefits:
13th Salary
Language Courses
Chèque Déjeuner Dining coupon
Vitamin Program
Coffee Program
Flu Vaccination
Wedding Allowance
Child Birth Allowance
Jubilee Allowance
Workplace massages
others in PPT