Current Trends on the Job Market: Graduates, It’s Time for You to Turn Up the Heat!

Current Trends on the Job Market: Graduates, It’s Time for You to Turn Up the Heat!

Current Trends on the Job Market: Graduates, It’s Time for You to Turn Up the Heat!

As of April 30, 2014, labour exchanges registered 575,000 unemployed people, of which 29,000 were graduates of all types of schools. Since 2009, the situation has worsened, especially for university graduates; unemployment in this segment has increased by 235%! As students today are concerned about the possibility of finding a good job, 75% of them start looking for experience during their studies, their goal being to acquire the necessary skills to increase the odds of finding a good job.

Do not postpone your job search. Graduates usually want to enjoy the last months of leisure time, but such an approach may not pay off - competition is hot. Particularly students of business, marketing and other areas of economics must start searching for a job in the last years of their studies in order to gain some practical experience.  This is what employers are interested in!

The most wanted professions

Graduates who have practical experience or good language skills are valued most by employers. Appli-cants for the following jobs are the most in demand:

  • Information Scientist
  • Programmer
  • Developer
  • Engineer
  • Process Engineer
  • Applied Scientist
  • Logistics Expert
  • Sales of Technical Products
  • Multilingual Agent within Shared Service Centres
  • Experienced Business Specialist 

It can be said that when compared to economic studies or humanities, students of secondary/vocational schools or universities which provide education in ITmodern technologies or technical fields such as welding, electrical engineering, etc. are in a more favourable position. Every year, prospective employers snap up talented, experienced students before they have even finished their studies. The others will need to try harder to get an offer.

What do employers look for in graduates?

  • Language skills. English is the basic requirement; knowledge of German as the second language is a great advantage.
  • Ability to apply theoretical knowledge in practice.
  • Hands-on experience. Employers are not interested in casual temporary jobs such as waitressing or service at KFC. They want specific experience in a particular field. It can be both a short-term temporary job and long-term placement; any effort in the relevant field matters!

Secondary education and apprenticeship vs. university education

The dilemma of today is: ‘To have or not to have a degree?’. Some might say that a degree will not get you a job, university education is a waste of time, or that people who work with their hands have an advantage. If you wish to study at university, do not get discouraged. Any extra education brings certain benefits.
Employers agree that as regards people with secondary education or an apprenticeship, those with inter-esting experience or a good personality are better off. Unfortunately though, many of them lack sufficient ability to express themselves clearly and convincingly. This is where university educated applicants may feel their advantage - for years during their studies they practiced communication, dealing with problems, independence and learning new things.

How to improve your chances to get a good job?

Let us now sum up the things you can put your efforts into before responding to a selected job offer. The following applies to graduates and students leaving school:
1.    Achieve some practical experience in the field during your studies.
2.    Write an appealing CV.
3.    Students of IT and technical study programmes should participate in competitions. The topic of your thesis is important too.
4.    Studies abroad or scholarship in foreign organisations are a great advantage for students of eco-nomics and business studies and help to perfect language skills.
5.    Learn how to present yourselves.
6.    Have a realistic idea of your salary. 

TIP: Do you wish to increase your chances of finding a job immediately after graduating? We have created for you a detailed list of 5 things which increase graduates' chances to get a job

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